Now more than ever, we need you! image

Now more than ever, we need you!

Make your gift today!

$8,720 raised

$50,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Running into the Storm

Globally we are enduring a storm of extraordinary magnitude. While much of the world is coping with the crisis, our dream of creating successful children, strong families, civically engaged citizens, and an inclusive and equitable community has become more important and urgent than ever.

Early on, HUF made an important decision. We decided to run straight towards the crisis, embracing its challenges. We quickly adapted to serve the most pressing needs of our communities guided by a clear and compelling purpose during this COVID-19 pandemic. Our team readied itself to assist individuals, children and families - who desperately needed assistance with the essentials of life: access to testing and health care, access to food, and emergency assistance to pay for rent, utilities, medications, communications, etc.

Our responsiveness as an organization will shape our future and the future of our clients. We have learned the pandemic “pivot”. We know we are nimble and able to lean into difficult tasks, and able to quickly link previously disconnected families to critical resources.

Now more than ever, our community needs us.

Now more than ever, we need you!

We ask that YOU make a gift to HUF. Today, if possible.

Your gift ensures that HUF is able to continue providing services during one of our country’s most difficult times in decades. It ensures that HUF continues to be a lifeline to families who need information and services and emergency assistance in person, via videoconferencing, by phone or email.

Like all storms, we are optimistic that “this too shall pass”. Your gift to HUF will ensure that families and their children will be able to have the tools and support needed to get through this crisis. It will also ensure that our shared vision of a community with successful children, strong families and civically engaged individuals and a community that is both inclusive and equitable provide the vision as we rebuild our lives.

Our community is strong and, together, we will get through this.

Make your gift TODAY!

P.S. With your gift of $250 or more, you'll become a member of our Circle of Friends!